May be an image of train and text that says ’40 vehicle cabins that most people rarely get to peek inside “The inside of a narrow gauge steam train” .com’
I’m sure that you know your car’s interior like the back of your hand. Chances are, you have already memorized what handle to turn to put on the heating or which button to push to change the radio station without taking your eyes off the road. However, some automotive cabins possess far more features that push the boundaries of technology, comfort, and design. Some of them start resembling spaceships, which most of us have probably only seen in the most realistic sci-fi movies.
But for some professionals, operating such vehicles is as usual as scrambling eggs in the morning. Fortunately for us, they gladly share their unique workplaces with others, allowing us to take a curious peek inside. Today, Bored Panda is presenting you with a whole list of the most interesting cabins inside vehicles that you wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to see. Each photo really makes you wonder, ”Do they really know what every button does?”